July 27, 2017
by Brandon Levering
| Tags: vision, mission, core values, strategy
After several months of seeking the Lord, we’re excited to share a significantly revised draft of our updated vision, along with the mission that drives it, the core values that guide it, and the core commitments through which we will seek to advance it. ...
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November 3, 2015
by Brandon Levering
Church Life
| Tags: vision, community, mission, gospel growth
During our recent 40th anniversary celebration, we introduced a ministry strategy our elders have been working on to help us put our vision into practice more effectively in the years ahead...
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December 22, 2014
by Brandon Levering
Church Life
| Tags: discipleship, mission, Great Commission, Matthew 28, Disciplemaking
The main application of Matthew's entire Gospel is our participation in the mission Jesus gives his church--to go and make disciples of all nations. What does that mean? What does that entail? How might we be faithful to that call personally, and also as a congregation here at Westgate? ...
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March 26, 2014
by Brandon Levering
Church Life
| Tags: Metrowest, prayer, mission, revival
The goal of our recent Life on Mission Conference was to seek God to deepen our awe for him and his gospel, along with our passion and skill in living as missionaries wherever we live and work. Here are four specific prayer points from the conference that we can be praying together....
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January 15, 2013
by Brandon Levering
Church Life
| Tags: vision, gospel-centered, gospel, mission, community
Please join us at 9:30 am this Sunday (Jan. 20) as we talk and pray together about some of the practical implications of moving toward our vision as a church....
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December 29, 2012
by Brandon Levering
Church Life
| Tags: vision, gospel-centered, community, mission
To start the new year, we’re going to take a short break from our Matthew series and focus on the vision we adopted as a congregation one year ago: to be a gospel-centered community living each day on mission for Christ....
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