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Archives for September 2016

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New Series: Out of Egypt (Exodus)

The story of Exodus is not just Israel’s story; it’s God’s story, Jesus’ story, and therefore our story. So join us this year as we enter into this story to behold our salvation and the glory of God....

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Worship services begin at 10:30, starting this Sunday

As the summer comes to a close, remember that our worship service will begin at 10:30 am starting this Sunday, Sept. 4, and will continue at that time through June....

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The Marvel of Substitutionary Atonement

Few truths are more celebrated in the church than the doctrine of substitutionary atonement. This is because few truths are more central to Christianity than the marvel that Jesus Christ died in our place (as a substitute) to pay the just penalty for our sin (atonement)....

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