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Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry

"And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." (John 14:13)

Prayer is the lifeblood of the church. It is vital to our relationships with God and each other. Prayer brings both the individual and the church into union with God, centers our lives in him, and leads us to ask for God's kingdom to come and his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our desire is for God to be the One who builds his church, and we believe that this will happen through prayer. As pastor and author, Jim Cymbala, wrote, "No matter what I preach or what we claim to believe in our heads, the future will depend upon our time of prayer..."

Prayer Gatherings

Sunday Morning
Prayer and Praise before worship (during the academic/school year)
The last Sunday of the month, Pray for the Mission after worship in the church parlor

Tuesday Morning Prayer, 8:00-9:00am

Weekly Prayer Gatherings
Women's Bible Studies, Wednesday evening and Thursday morning
Men's Breakfast, Friday's at 6:30-7:30am
Home Groups, various times and locations

Additional Prayer Venues

Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain mobilizes the church in response to urgent prayer requests. These requests are sent via email throughout the church to those who have expressed their desire to pray for one another. Email Becky Borland at prayer @ if you have an urgent request or wish to be a part of this prayer chain.

Prayer Room
Our Prayer Room on the 3rd floor is available for individual and group prayer during the times that the church is open. There are prayer helps, ideas, testimonies and Scriptures available for those who wish to use them.