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Westgate Reopening Update

Monday we received the news we have been waiting to hear: churches may reopen for in-person worship services albeit with restrictions.  While we look forward to worshipping face-to-face, Westgate Church will take every possible precaution to keep our congregation and our visitors safe and healthy.  To ensure complete well-being upon our return, we will continue our current form of worship for the next few weeks.

A task force of Elders and Deacons consisting of David Owen, Lilia Cuozzo, David Kwak and Bruce Daggett has developed a comprehensive reopening plan based on Massachusetts and CDC guidelines.  The team is working toward providing necessary equipment and making essential preparations in order to reopen.  They are monitoring the progress of other churches, the level of COVID infections and the recommendations of our Commonwealth.  We anticipate resuming our in-person worship service on June 7th or June 14th.  Information relating to safety procedures, policies and volunteer training will be sent to you as we approach these dates.

There is a range of opinions and comfort levels in our congregation regarding the return to in-person worship, therefore Westgate will retain an online presence by live steaming our services.  No one should feel pressured to return before they are ready.  Vital fellowship at Westgate will continue through our online worship services, home groups, Bible studies, book studies, prayer groups and Kids Journey.  We encourage everyone to maintain their interpersonal connections and to consider volunteering for our outreach ministries.

In order to determine everyone’s readiness to return, we are asking that each household complete a congregational survey by next Wednesday, May 27.  The survey can be found HERE.  Since we will be able to accommodate only 40% of our seating capacity, this information will help us to plan for everyone who is ready to return to in-person worship.  We will pre-register those who plan to attend each worship service.  Our goal is to meet safety standards, abide by the recommendations of the governor’s office, and provide a welcoming and friendly environment.

You have continued to move our church forward during these past two months, and we are deeply thankful for each and every one of you.  We appreciate the ministry of our staff members who have carried strenuous burdens admirably, and we are grateful for the boards, the outreach team, the home group leaders, the Bible and book study leaders, the prayer groups, our tech helper, our facilities managers --- for everyone who is involved in growing together in Christ.  We continue to pray for those who are ill, financially compromised and emotionally or physically isolated as a result of this unprecedented time in our lives.  We thank the Lord for providing financially through your generosity for Westgate, our COVID Fund and Special Needs Fund.  May our gracious God continue to bless us.

“… to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.”  Ephesians 3:21

In Christ,

Pastors Bruce and Travis on behalf of the Elders