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Abiding in Christ: Week Four

Abiding in Christ: Week Four

Day 19 (Sunday, Feb. 28)

READ: 1 John 3:11-15
• Reflect on ways you’ve experienced God’s love through his children’s love for you.
• What is unique about the church’s love?
• Pray for God to fill your heart with love for his children.

Day 20 (Monday, Feb. 29)

READ: 1 John 3:16
• What does Christ’s death in our place say about God’s love for us?
• How can you show that love to others?

Day 21 (Tuesday, Mar. 1)

READ: 1 John 3:17-18
• Ask God to reveal to you areas in life where you love stuff more than people.
• Ask God to open your eyes to opportunities to love his children in tangible ways.

Day 22 (Wednesday, Mar. 2)

READ: 1 John 3:19-22
• When your heart condemns you (i.e. questions your relationship with God) what does it usually accuse you of?
• How does your life in Christ reassure you?

Day 23 (Thursday, Mar. 3)

READ: 1 John 3:23-24
• Reflect on the connection between believing in Christ and loving one another.
• Ask the Holy Spirit to deepen your sense of his presence by strengthening your faith, love, and obedience.

Day 24 (Friday, Mar. 4)

READ: 1 John 4:1-3
• Think about the voices that influence the direction of your life the most. Do they affirm Christ, or some other kingdom?
• Pray for wisdom and discernment to hear the Spirit’s voice as you follow Christ.

Day 25 (Saturday, Mar. 5)

READ: 1 John 4:4-6
• Consider the relative weakness of evil: though its influence is strong, the Spirit of Christ in you is stronger still.
• Ask God for strength to overcome the world and its influences.

Gracious Father,
It is through your Son’s sacrifice for us that we know what love is, and are able to love one another. It is through your Spirit’s presence that we have confidence before you. It is through your Spirit’s power that we can overcome the world. Strengthen us for love and obedience that we might abide in you and you in us. Amen.

Next: Week Five

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