Drew holds a Bachelor of Music from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. He has been active in the music ministry at Westgate Church since 1996. As Director of Music Ministries, he oversees and leads the musical components of our gathered worship, planning services, leading our worship band, directing our choir, and even playing the organ. He also holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and works as a computer scientist, focusing on automatic speech recognition
Drew is originally from Delaware, and spent his teen years in upstate New York. He and his wife, Sandi, came to the Boston area in 1993. They have six children: Luke, Paul, Nathan, Joshua, Elisabeth, and Caleb.
His hobbies include running, reading, and spending time with his family, especially singing and playing music together. He loves to see God glorified through the gospel of Jesus Christ in greater Boston and around the world.