Life on Mission Conference
“Once the shining jewel of Western Christendom, the land of joyous Puritanism and nose-to-the-grindstone Protestantism, New England is now the least churched, least religious part of the United States. The land of the Great Awakening is now very much asleep. The place once bathed in springs of Christ-exalting preaching is now very, very dry. . . . But if God’s saving purposes in the gospel are for races, nations, peoples, and therefore lands, we know there is no such thing as a dead-end place. Indeed, since revival presupposes deadness and dryness, New England may be the most ripe place for God’s stirring in America!”
–Jared Wilson, Gospel Deeps
This is our prayer for what God would do in and through Westgate Church, and all the churches throughout the MetroWest. That the gospel of Jesus would take hold of our lives, and that as we hold it high, God would draw men and women to himself.
To encourage and equip us to that end, we’re excited to host our first-annual Life on Mission Conference, coming up Friday-Sunday, March 21-23.
The purpose of this conference is to help equip each of us to live on mission each day for Christ. Each fall we have the privilege of connecting with the missionaries and organizations we support through our annual missions conference, when we hear about and celebrate what God is doing through them. The Life on Mission conference is different—it’s all about helping us live on mission right here in the MetroWest. And it's not just for Westgate, but for anyone interested in coming.
The theme for 2014 is Gospel-Centered Mission. On Friday night, pastor and author Jared Wilson will speak on “The Gospel-Wakened Church,” helping us answer the question, Why must we be intentional about the centrality of the gospel when we think about mission?
Then we’ll gather again Saturday morning. Jared will start off by speaking on “Gospel-Shaped Mission,” looking at how the message and power of the gospel should shape our approach to making disciples. After that, pastor and church-planter Bland Mason will address the role that community plays in our effort to make disciples in his talk “Gospel-Shaped Communities on Mission.” We’ll conclude the morning with a time of Q&A with Jared and Bland on “Simple Ways to Live on Mission.”
For Westgate, Sunday morning concludes the conference. We’ll begin with a joint-adult Sunday School class in the Fellowship Hall, where we’ll spend time praying for the gospel’s advance in the MetroWest. Then Bland will join us again for our worship service, preaching on “Life on Mission.” Everyone is invited to stick around for a coffee hour hosted by the deacons following the service.
Childcare will be provided throughout the conference. There is no cost for attending, but please register here to help us with our planning. You can learn more about our speakers and the conference schedule here.
If you’re part of Westgate and interested in helping with the conference, there are two specific ways we would love your help:
- Help with Childcare. We want to offer childcare (infant through 5th grade) throughout the conference to make it easier for parents and families to attend. Sign up to serve in one of three time slots (so you can still catch the majority of the conference) by calling or emailing the church office: (a) Friday night, 6:45–8:45 pm (b) Saturday morning, 8:15–10:00 am (c) Saturday morning, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon.
- Bring a Dessert on Friday. After the main session Friday night, we’ll gather in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and dessert. If you’re able to contribute some goodies, please let Becky know what you’re bringing, and then drop it off near the kitchen Friday night before the beginning of the conference.
We hope that all of you will join us for the conference!
If you have any questions, contact Becky Borland in the church office (office @, Mimi Karys (mkarys @ or Pastor Brandon (pastorbrandon @
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