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Post Category: Church Life

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Why Church Membership?

Membership in a local church is a healthy and important part of living out our faith and serving Christ together....

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A Prayer of Confession and Gratitude on the Occasion of our 40th

This prayer was offered by Mark Bauer, one of our elders, during our 40th anniversary celebration on Sept. 20, 2015....

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A Note from Pastor Sam Hollo on the Occasion of our 40th

Greetings from Sam and Esther Hollo...

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A Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving on the Occasion of our 40th Anniversary

This prayer was offered by David Brown, one of our elders, during our 40th anniversary celebration on September 20....

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Celebrating 40 Years

40 years featured

Join us Sunday, Sept. 20, as we celebrate 40 years of God's work in and through us....

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Sunday School for all ages begins this week!

Sunday School featured

Join us on Sundays at 9:30 for our Christian Education classes....

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Let's Talk about Heaven

A lot of the common ideas people have today about heaven are not only rather dull and unexciting, but actually fall far short of being biblical....

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Services begin at 10:30am starting this Sunday!

Sunday services start at 10:30 beginning this Sunday, Sept. 2....

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Good News for Monday Morning

What difference does the gospel of Jesus actually make for our work? We won’t claim to sort everything out, but we do hope to find some clarity and direction as we focus on this subject beginning in August in our series, “The Gospel at Work.”...

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The Gospel at School

Summer offers just the kind of breathing room we need, between the weight of academic deadlines and the flurry of extracurricular activities, to let ourselves reflect on a few deeper questions about life and school....

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